Here is my animation, it is 21 secs long and what it is about is a tardis that goes through a planetry system while chasing a mystrious green cube. my idea for this animation came to me when i was thinking up ideas for animation that were a bit to ambishous then i came up with the simple and brilliant idea of this.
Creating this animation was pritty simple at first cause for the green cube and tardis were basic cubed shapes were as the tardis needed to be bit more detailed, then i need to place the planets around the areana, that was easy, I basically drawed out one circle shape then i clicked on the shape then hold shift and moved it so the shape would be instantly copied. when that was done i work on design for the objects and background, i did this whole process of getting a layer out for the tardis by putting it on photoshop and then moving onto 3D MAX as some sort of design then I moved that design onto the blue cube, i did the same thing to the planets only i used these pre-designs that were already their as well as altering their size to make them look more different from one an other. I started work on the background, it was basically the same process of the tardis design only when i made the design i drag it out on the background and were ever i looked on the computer i could see my background everywere. Once i designed everything i started on the animation, the idea of the animation was simple zig zagging through the plantery system and then ending with the tardis flying into the camera, I had problems with the animation because were i wanted the objects to move didn't move there, they ended up going through the planets so i had to break my animation into little bits so the movements of the objects were more procised zig zagging through the planets which in time was successful. To film the way i wanted this with the right angles i used a tool called "camera" so on the screen what ever the camera was looking at i would see, and be filmed. After i did the filming i render it out in to an AVI movie so i could put it into movie maker and add a title sequence, sound and credits.