Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Here is my final design on my comic book strip, this reachs my orignal design as it is what it is planned as it looks, This comic book strip is based on an idea of a game that i had which the age rating is 18+ so i would say it does meet the age rating, the whole process of this comic book strip was it was done on pencil and paper as a plan then fully drawn on another paper as a final design, once i did that i put it through a scanner so i could put it on photoshop, once on the computer i went through it again using the paint brush tool (on Black), once i had done that i used the bucket tool and filled in the bits that i wanted in the colour i wanted it to be then i put it on my blog and started talking about it. i had no problems doing the task that i was task to do and managed to finish it in time. my final thoughts on this whole experince was reasonably good but I DON'T LIKE THIS EVALUATION STUFF!!!.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Here is my comicbook page that i hand drawn then put through a scanner to go over it in photoshop shop and this so far... its not that good but you know work in progress.

this is a part of a comicbook page that i draw up, 2nd page, on pencil and paper, the idea of this page was that the main character was drop suddenly into some part of the gears of war universe but the universe it self is not right, after the sudden drop he is then called upon through an opening portal with enemies on his hind, continuing on he is told a large amount on infomation on whats going on, whats happened and why he is here, on the last bit is a to be continue moment.

this was first drawn on paper then i transerfered it on to photoshop, this is how far i got onto photoshop the first time i tried out on it, its wasn't entirely easy to get it as detailed as most comics as some of the colours wouldn't entirely fill in.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Here is a link of a type of video, this video is an example that of atype of project that im forced to do, it is to create a comic then to put it into flash and give some movement.