Thursday, 29 November 2012

finale team logo design review

Here's our finale team logo idea for our team, when we were doing our team logo it was dragging on longer then of any of the overs team logo, this was mainly because we had many good ideas to go on but we could only choose one and that we tried to make everyone happy about our decision and the fact that we couldn't exactly feel like we could make a fair decision on what we wanted our logo to look like that would represent us because everyone wasn't here at the time.
In the end we had to make the cold hard decision and what made it harder is that all of our team wasn't there but we had to make a decision fair or not, so in the end we decided on the logo I, Steven, designed.
I wanted to design something different and unique and something that look professional but that was kinda hard considering the fact that we named ourselves robot llama which sounds like something out of a heavy metal rock but then waqar came to me with the idea of a blue print design. With the blue print design it showed some sort of professionalism because blue prints are what people use in professional projects and i feel with this that some people may take us seriously. we used a blue print background and in keeping with the theme of blue prints the design could just all be in white lines because thats whats associated with blue prints which made it slightly easier on me.
when i was designing our name on our logo i had to scrap the idea for circut board style because i wanted the writting to look 3D and to stick out and putting in the circut board style would of made it look awful and of just ruined it entirely, accidently i made on the writting as blury as 3D but without the glassess and accidently it hurts people eyes :), but still all of the writting looks has as hard, still and straight as iron or some form of metal which was one of my aims for the writting.
When i was drawing out the main part of the logo (picture) i wanted to design it to look like how we said it, i wanted it to look like a llama but with some kind of robot features as well as taking everyones ideas into consideration and trying to combine all into one, for the head part we were wanting to give it something like robo cop to make it kinda look a bit of a bad ass but in the end we ended up going with a part llama part robot eye like the character cyborg out of the DC universe and trying to keep in contrast of part llama part robot. with the rest of the body we tried to see how it would of look with iron man suit around but it didn't to look right, to be onisisted it kinda look bad but we kept the most iconic thing to iron man was the mini ark reacter on the chest which we put in on ours, around it we put in some circuit board lines to make it more robotic or even cyborg and for the feet we just put in metal feet, something plane and simple. Once i drawed it all up and then put into photoshop i put in an inner glow which gave it a nice look and it made it stand out nicely.
comparing this to a professional example i would say its right up there, we fought it throught, we did sevral designs and we decided as a group that this is what we wanted our logo to look like and it looks as professional as any over professional logo.
if i was to done anything any differently i would of tried and made it work with the iron man armor some how.
i learned that lot more goes into a team logo then i fought.

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